Designing Learning for Multilingual Learners Through Linguistics (DLMLL)
Dates: TBA
Location: Online
Facilitators: Dr. Gini Rojas
Facing a changing student demography where multilingual learners are now the majority of students enrolled in international schools? This nine-week online learning experience focuses on the study of language, literacy, and pedagogy designed specifically for multilingual learners in PK to 12 international-school classrooms. Participants build knowledge about how language works in content areas and about pedagogical approaches for teaching and progressing academic language. Inclusive classrooms will be a reality when the mantra ‘every teacher is a language teacher’ is an integral part of multilingual learners’ day.
What will I learn?
During this learning experience we will investigate:
differences between different theories of linguistics and their implications for language teaching and learning (e.g. structuralism vs. functionalism)
building schoolwide systems for developing academic language across the curriculum the use of the Teaching & Learning Cycle (TLC) pedagogical framework for expanding multilingual learners’ spoken and written language output in specific genres
the design of content and language integrated learning (CLIL) in school discourse contexts (science, math, social studies, and language arts)
conducting ‘analyses’ of multilingual learners’ use of language structures to progress their usage to next levels of proficiency
explore learner variability and second language acquisition to reflect on ways to scaffold collectively and individually
to reflect on research and theories of linguistic and cultural diversity as a means to use language teaching to build multilingual learners’ sense of belonging
You will learn and practice how to:
rethink language teaching based on SFL-informed pedagogy
express your reflections upon the quality of explicit and intentional instruction provided to multilingual learners for the development of academic language by all teachers
implement SFL language theory to design a lesson using discipline-specific language, including vocabulary, sentence structures, and discourse features
use classroom-based assessment data to hypothesize multilingual learners’ language progressions to design next step lessons accordingly
access and engage with information on second language acquisition research as it applies to multilingual learners in international schools
You can anticipate
Logging in to three times a week (early in the week to obtain the task, mid-week to collaborate and engage in group discussion, end of week to post weekly
formative task)
5-6 hours of asynchronous learning (accessing information, engaging with peers, completing eight formative assessment tasks)
Completing at least one application or culminating task (depending on whether you take this course alone, take this course in order to obtain the TTC EAL certificate, and/or you take the course to obtain TCNJ university graduate credit)
What will it cost?
Per participants from a PTC member school: USD $1000.
Per participant from a non-member school: USD $1100.