Governance Training Center
International schools operate under unique contexts and require exceptional governance. Join the journey…
Who’s next on your governance team??
6 ‘Musts’ for Succession Planning
16 February 2025
07:00-09:00am EST
Facilitated by: Chip Barder and Bambi Betts
Ensuring there are always strong, competent board members and board leadership are among the most common challenges facing an international school board. Board service is voluntary; the pool of candidates particularly in the international sector is often transient prompting regular turnover. Potential members question their capacity to make enough time for serving. How does the board ensure that it always has the most effective membership and board leadership?
What will we learn?
Join us to explore tools and strategies to address:
Have we exhausted all avenues to reduce board turnover?
Have we considered not only skills and knowledge members will need to contribute effectively to our long term plans, but the essential facet of true diversity on our board?
Do we have strategies to identify and cultivate a strong pool of viable candidates?
Are we clear on the criteria for an effective member?
Do we have tools to determine board member effectiveness and retention (or not)?
Do we have an overarching policy which commits the board to these strategies?
Who is it for?
Board members, owners and others involved in school governance
School heads
How does it work?
The session features:
2-hour synchronous session conducted on Zoom. You will need an internet connected device.
Interactive presentation during which you will engage with some exercises and reflections
Breakout rooms with other participants
An optional job-alike hour—stay on with us to chat with others in the role
PDF packet of materials which you will use for the interactive parts of the session
What is the cost?
Per participant from a member school: USD$200
Per participant from a non-member school: USD$225
Online payment by credit card. Wire transfer payment available to groups of more than five. Email
…and more opportunities for international school governance members
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