Facilitator: Shaun McElroy
Recognized as a leading authority on applying positive psychology to intentional school settings (See www.strengthsmining.com for ideas), Shaun is known for leading engaging, thoughtful workshops around the world for organizations ranging from the International Positive Education Network, National Association of College Admission Counselors, Council of International Schools, Association of American Schools in South America, East Asia Region Council of Overseas Schools and the International Association of College Admission Counseling (InternationalACAC) of which he is the former Vice President for Technology and Communication. A recognized expert on university advising and admissions, he has developed innovative practices in working with students and their families which he shared as Faculty of Collegeboard's Summer Institute on International Admissions. You can follow the latest on news on higher education at his blog, www.internationalcounselor.org.
A veteran overseas counselor, Shaun has lived and worked in China, Venezuela, Thailand, Australia and Canada. He currently lives in Kuala Lumpur with his wife, Joanne, and cat, Zoe, where he works as part of a great team at International School of Kuala Lumpur. The Council of International Schools humbled Shaun with their lifetime achievement award in 2019.